2021 |
EPTN International Neurological Contouring Atlas - 2021 Update |
2021 |
EPTN consensus-based toxicity scoring standard for the follow-up of adult brain and base of skull tumours after radiotherapy |
2018 |
EPTN consensus-based guideline for the tolerance dose per fraction of organs at risk in the brain |
2017 |
Atlas for the delineation for organs-at-risk in NSCLC |
2017 |
EPTN International Neurological Contouring Atlas |
2017 |
ULISSE: Umbrella protocoL ISSue for oncological patiEnts |
2017 |
Developing and validating a survival prediction model for NSCLC patients through distributed learning across three countries |
2016 |
Advanced MR Imaging Protocol for Glioblastoma |
2016 |
Development and evaluation of an online three-level proton vs photon decision support prototype for head and neck cancer – Comparison of dose, toxicity and cost-effectiveness |
2015 |
PET-based dose painting in non-small cell lung cancer: Comparing uniform dose escalation with boosting hypoxic and metabolically active sub-volumes |