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Carvalho S, Troost EGC, Bons J, Menheere P, Lambin P, Oberije C. Data from: Prognostic value of blood-biomarkers related to hypoxia, inflammation, immune response and tumour load in non-small cell lung cancer – a survival model with external validation. 2016. doi:10.17195/candat.2016.04.1.File carvalho-prognostic-biomarkers-NSCLC.xlsx (69.51 KB)
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van Timmeren J, Leijenaar RTH, van Elmpt W, et al. Data from: Survival prediction of non-small cell lung cancer patients using radiomics analyses of cone-beam CT images. 2017. doi:10.17195/candat.2017.02.1.Package icon (750.99 MB)Package icon (726.98 MB)Package icon (777.6 MB)Package icon (795.72 MB)Package icon (827.01 MB)
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Eekers DBP. Optimization of Brain and Head & Neck Radiotherapy. GROW - School for Oncology and Developmental Biology. 2018;Ph.D.:201. doi:10.17195/candat.2018.12.7.PDF icon 2018-Eekers-Thesis.pdf (5.47 MB)PDF icon 2018-Eekers-Propositions.pdf (381.59 KB)PDF icon 2018-Eekers-Thesis-Summary.pdf (318.74 KB)
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Lambin P. Radiomics Digital Phantom. 2016. doi:10.17195/candat.2016.08.1.Package icon (7.73 MB)Package icon (281.74 KB)Package icon (175.39 KB)Package icon (421.42 KB)